Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits

Dragon fruit still includes the family Cactus-kaktusan. Dragon fruit is red with a white flesh of the fruit or the color red. Taste of the fruit is very typical and certainly very tasty and refreshing. But did you know besides it tastes good fruits also contain very useful for body health?

The following benefits of Dragon fruit:

  • Vitamin B3 in it helps reduce cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
  • For those of you who are running a diet program, the Red Dragon fruit juice is very useful for losing weight naturally.
  • Dragon fruit consumption on a regular basis is beneficial to launch the process of digestion in the body due to the high fiber content.
  • As with carrot juice that is rich in carotene, Red Dragon fruit also contain beta-carotene which is good for eye health.
  • The presence of substances in anti oxidants in dragon fruit is useful to protect the body from free radicals and cancer.
  • Benefits of Dragon fruit beauty that is to be used as acne busting face mask. Simply apply the juice that was made in the face of the breakouts.
  • Dragon fruit rich in vitamin C which is beneficial for improving the immune system and heal bruises.
  • Red Dragon fruit benefits for the health of the teeth and bones are calcium and phosphorus intake gives so maintained its strength.
  • As for pregnant women, the benefits of Dragon fruit is useful for children's teeth since the growth process in the mother's womb.

Thus the benefits of Dragon fruit health, may be useful for ya!!